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At HR for B, we develop specific HR training programs customized to meet the needs of your company. A company with 40 employees in a service industry differs dramatically from a technology company of 400, where employees might lead a cubicle life with very little customer contact.


Your employees should receive customized HR training that gives them up-to-date information on compliance issues as well as personal development opportunities. Since your employees are the backbone of your company, it is vital that they be well-versed in and comfortable with the latest in HR-related legislation while at the same time enhancing and increasing their skill sets.


We provide HR training programs that are designed specifically for your company, not ones that are pre-packaged. We believe strongly that classroom-style training must provide an upbeat, positive experience for all in attendance. Our training programs are concise and topical, designed to challenge employees at all levels of your organization.

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Communicating for Profit

Communicating for Profit is a four hour effective communication training workshop that takes employees through sessions on effective listening skills, non-verbal communication and barriers to effective communication in the workplace. This training also provides attendees with an introduction to DiSC® profiles – a comprehensive explanation of the different styles of behaviors we all possess that have major implications in the workplace. All attendees are provided with personalized DiSC® assessments designed to help them understand more about their preferred communications style as well as providing valuable insight into that of others. One of the critical takeaways of this effective communication training workshop is the understanding of how and why effective communication skills can directly lead to better individual and company performance – and, in turn, profit. This training session may be tailored toward any level of employee in the organization, and is most effective for groups ranging from 15 to 25 people.

New Manager 101

Managers often have little or no understanding of applicable federal, state and local laws that apply to the workplace - they may be new to their role, or they may not have gone through an extensive training in some time. This one-day training session focuses on helping your managers understand the responsibilities that go along with their new position. Topics covered include:

  • Overviews on new legislation

  • Sexual harassment prevention

  • Progressive discipline

  • Interviewing dos and don'ts

  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) implications

  • Challenges associated with transitioning from a line position to a supervisor.

Sexual Harassment Prevention

Sexual harassment prevention is critical in business. This training session presents an overview of Sexual Harassment law - discussing Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Work Environment - and the potential liabilities for both the company and the individual manager. The training educates attendees on their responsibilities as a manager, and takes them through the potential repercussions for failing to address and / or prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.


We have designed this training so that it is in compliance with California and New York state requirements as well as New York City's updated law.  

Interviewing Skills

Interviewing Skills is an HR training workshop filled with critical insights into today’s complex hiring environment. This session provides hiring managers with the interview skills they will need to ensure compliance with local, state and federal laws relating to equal employment opportunity. Attendees will learn interview skills designed to identify ideal candidates when screening resumes. Furthermore, we introduce behavioral style interview techniques, and ultimately provide HR managers with an understanding of how the recruiting and interviewing process should work from start to finish. As with all of our HR training sessions, the interview skills training program is fast moving and highly interactive, utilizing role play and attendee’s personal experiences to make for a more valuable experience for all.

Performance Management 

This HR training session teaches attendees how to manage employees demonstrating performance problems. Critical to the success of any business is the early identification and swift management of such issues. We will work through typical employee relation problems in small groups, and discuss some of the dangers that each scenario may present. Performance management class also reviews federal laws covering the topics of Age, Race, National Origin, Color, Gender and Religion Discrimination Prevention. Additionally, we will cover ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act, and FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) position classification and its implications. Finally, in the performance management class will review local and state laws that may provide protection beyond that which the federal government mandates. The performance management class is designed for managers at all levels of the organization, and can be particularly effective if both line managers and more senior-level managers attend.

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